I just reinstalled Har-Bal 3.0 on my new machine and my old Har-Bal 3.0 license is not working.

When you reinstall Har-Bal 3.0 you will be prompted to create or install a license. Please choose “Create a license”, and follow the instructions.

I have both the 32bit and 64bit versions on my machine and Har-Bal 3.0 is not working.

You can only install one or the other. You cannot have both versions on the same machine.

I bought my upgrade in January 2012 and often have the problem that I always need a new license to start Har-Bal but now I got a new one and there is a big problem because I can´t start the play engine after I tried the first error message is “failed driver begin play operation” after the second try the message is “failed to open driver”. I tried to check my preferences but all things are fine and ok and it works with other programs…

You are running an old version which had quite a few issues fixed in it. My first suggestion is to immediately download and install the latest version of the software, Har-Bal 3.0 release 4, [...]

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