I just reinstalled Har-Bal 3.0 on my new machine and my old Har-Bal 3.0 license is not working.

When you reinstall Har-Bal 3.0 you will be prompted to create or install a license. Please choose “Create a license”, and follow the instructions.

I downloaded my purchase onto a friend’s computer and saved it to a zip drive to put into my XP studio computer. When I got it into my XP computer, it says I need a license key and it says that I have no network card. What does that mean?

If you want to run Har-Bal you must have an active network device on the computer. We use it for licensing purposes. That does not mean you need to be connected to the internet. If you don’t have [...]

I am having an issue with my purchase of Har-Bal 3. It seems that my license is being denied or my order is not being acknowledged.

Do you mean that the software was working and now claims to be unlicensed or the software has only now been used and claims to be unlicensed? In the former this may happen if you happen to [...]

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