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Earles' coming book DVD instead or also included

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:43 pm
by trina
HI all,
Hi Earle, i have read on this forum that eventually you have a mixing book coming and I was suggesting/ requesting /hoping for an included DVD with audio examples or let even the bulk of the book be a set of DVD 's and crown it off with the use of Har-Bal! I wish that more people with your skill and talent were as sharing of knowledge as you are!
I really don't think it would cause the surge of same level competitors that some fear! I believe that if you picked 5 random art students and gave them the exact same brushes,
canvas, medium, and the same 5 colors and instructions on how and what to paint, the differnces would be so incredible and there would be a market for each painting because we are all so alike as a whole and so unique as individuals. The most technically perfect of the art could be the most sterile while the most rudimentary one could be the most moving and yet both have the potential of gracing a wall for all to interpret.
Because your gift is your gift, you can't impart it!
Thanks to you and Paavo for the Har-Bal device that can surely Help!