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Need some serious help

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:26 pm
by Gravity
Can anyone or the makers of Har bal explain to me why is it that when I load my file into Har-Bal it sounds terribly loud but in any other source or system that I play the same tracks in, sounds good. I am using FL studios to produce the beats. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:01 pm
by HarBal

Can you please re-phrase your question? I'm not entirely sure what you are asking! I think you may have made a typo when writing it.



Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:24 pm
by Gravity
The tracks that I produce sounds pretty good in almost everything that I play it in ( not saying that Har-bal can't make it sound much better). The problem is that when I open my beats in Har-Bal, it sounds too loud, no matter what level I set the limiter. I don't understand why the same file sounds good in so many systems but sound very very bad in Har-Bal. :?

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:06 am
by HarBal
If you open up your track and play it back in Har-bal without making any alterations it should sound exactly the same. What is your hardware setup? Also, you refer to the track sounding good on all other systems. Does any of those include playing the wav file back in your computer with some other application? If so is it through the same device?

I'm still a little puzzled by your explanation/description. From what you written is simply sounds like your feeding a line out directly to active speakers and it is comming out full volume. I don't know if I'm mis-understanding.



Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:28 am
by Gravity
HarBal wrote:If you open up your track and play it back in Har-bal without making any alterations it should sound exactly the same. What is your hardware setup? Also, you refer to the track sounding good on all other systems. Does any of those include playing the wav file back in your computer with some other application? If so is it through the same device?

I'm still a little puzzled by your explanation/description. From what you written is simply sounds like your feeding a line out directly to active speakers and it is comming out full volume. I don't know if I'm mis-understanding.



That's exactly what the problem is. When I load the file in Har-Bal and play it back without any adjustments, it sounds as if the file was recorded at full blast. Now you ask about my hardware setup. Maybe that might be the source of the problem. What should it be set at or how should I set it up.
I don't believe that the problem involves the speakers because I open several files with Har-Bal and then with real player,music match,windows media player and within the main source program. All of the players played the files exactly as the original. Even when I play those same files on big stereo system, boombox, shelve system, car stereo and my mp3 player, there is no problem, only in Har-Bal. :(

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:42 am
by HarBal
Ok, what are the driver settings in Har-bal? Which device driver and interface have you chosen? To find out select the Options/Driver menu option. I'd suggest trying all available drivers under each of the interfaces (ie. ASIO, directX and multimedia) to see if they all behave similarly.

Also, which file format is the track you are attempting to play? It could be that you are using a format that LIBSNDFILE.DLL doesn't handle properly. I'll be unable to correspond further for the next few days as I'm on an easter break until the 17th of April.



Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:01 am
by Gravity
Ok,I figured it out, I was recording at 32bit float (16.8). I tried 16 bit and it worked fine. Now can you tell me the why it did not support 32 bit, am I losing quality in the sound or it is perfectly ok.