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Waves LinMB Question

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:35 pm
by heli0s2003
Hi, I was following your mastering tutorial, and was having some trouble with the Linear Phase Multiband part. When I'm playing the song all the way through to be scanned, and I hit stop at the end, the orange lines stop in the same place I hit stop. So, each time I hit stop, the lines will always be in different positions because I obviously can never hit stop at the exact same spot every time. If I let the song end itself, it just repeats, even if I turn loop off. I'm using Sound Forge by the way. Also, adjusting the master attack and master release buttons doesn't seem to have any effect. I start off with the Adaptive multi-electro processing preset. The end result of the song is always nice and loud, and pretty clear, but this process seems to be so erraticor at least inconsistent, depending all on how I stop the song and where the orange lines end up. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:00 am
by Phi Lion

dont worry about the orange lines they are supposed to do that.

Look at the threshold numbers at the bottom and type those numbers into the threshold area.