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track info, ISRC codes, etc

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:14 am
by adamlloyd83

Can anyone tell me...

I recently had a project mastered, and they did a great job with doing the stuff i can't do at home, like raising the levels to commercial competetiveness without making it sound like crap, etc...

Being familiar with what Har-Bal can do, however, I'm currently going back and doing some tweaking to enhance the clarity, etc etc. Harbal is great for ironing out tiny details, like the kind I don't have the budget to hammer out in a mastering studio. Plus I've found that sometimes tracks can benefit from a lil eq after limiting, and thanks to harbal's nifty limiter that prevents any clipping it's perfect for the job.

ANYHOW...My question is, after I eq-tweak a master in harbal and export, I obviously have a brand new wave file. How do I go about re-coding the track info, song title, artist, album, and ISRC code like they did at the mastering studio? What's the best way to do this? anyone?

Also, is there anything else I should be doing to make my harbalized post-master tweak a bonafide master?


Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:21 pm
by har-bal

The coding, ISRC codes, track names etc you are referring to is done in just about any cd burning program.

Most CD burning programs today such as Nero, Toast contain this feature.

