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Discussion about Harbal at KVR

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:50 pm
by DuncJF
Hi Paavo/Earle

There has been a discussion over at KVR about various Mastering/Eq software and Harbal was mentioned. It was also mentioned that there does not seem to be any kind of demo available to try that the case ?
I have had a look around on the site and couldn't find a demo but, if it exists its a bit too buried for people to find I think.

I'm glad I have mine (hows the next version coming along, please tell me it will include morphing and the ability to use a VST plugin before final output ?)but, I think for potential new customers you have to make a demo more visible/available.


Dunc 8)

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:09 am
by zumbido
One can just download it. Pay the $100 (or whatever it is).

If it doesn't work out after a 30 day use period, one can get ther money back.

That sounds like a 'demo' period to me.

I'd be curious as to how many have asked for their money back. Probably zero.


Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:04 am
by HarBal

The reason why we don't have a demo is because it is a pain to maintain and virtually no one was interested in it. For those reasons I let it fall by the way side.

As Zumbido said, the 30 day money back guarantee is effectively a demo as we refund no questions asked if the purchaser is not satisfied. I can see this to be a problem for those who don't have credit cards but for those that do it shouldn't be, unless they don't trust us, but without some level of trust how can anyone do business.

On Zumbido's question, we do get refund requests and we honour all of them but the rate is small. At a guess it is around 1% of all sales ending in refunds, the rest are happy customers. The case we have had for dishonouring a refund request was one made six months after the purchase. I think that is perfectly justifiable from our point of view.

On the other hand, I'm perfectly happy to refund Har-Bal should you run into issues where the software will not run properly (ie. crash) at any time past the purchase date as it presents an impediment to them using the software. I've offered on a number of occasions but none of those people took me up on it, presumably because they needed and were prepared to find another machine to run it on.



Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:25 am
by DuncJF
I get what your talking about Paavo.

I guess that people do not expect a 30 day return policy on software (Thank Microsoft and others for that: open this packet and it's yours, don't come crying to us if it doesn't work :lol: )

I have been perfectly happy with Harbal from day one of purchase, way back at version 1.
It's other peoples loss for not trying...

Keep up the continued progress

Dunc 8)