FAQ, Uncategorized

I bought my Upgrade in January 2012 and often have the problem that I always need a new license to start Har-Bal but now I got a new one and there is a big problem because I can´t start the play engine after I tried the first error message is “Failed driver begin play operation” after the second try the message is “Failed to open driver”. I tried to check my preferences but all things are fine and ok and it works with other programs…

You are running an old version which had quite a few issues fixed in it. My first suggestion is to immediately download and install the latest version of the software, Har-Bal 3.0 release 4, which you can get from the original download link.

Log in using the customer name and order number from your invoice (the same as the credentials used to create the license key).

Be sure to uninstall the previous version before installing the new one and if you change from a 32 bit to 64 bit version or visa-versa then you will need to re-create the license key. I’d also recommend deleting the HarBal.ini which you can find in the folder,

C:\Users\{your user name}\AppData\Local\Har-Bal\Har-Bal 3.0

It might also help if you delete all the intermediate files that Har-Bal created (.hba, .hbfs, .hbfr and .hbir files).