Below you will find links to web sites and companies that have helped design, test, promote or otherwise assist Har-Bal with their new found popularity.
Craig Anderton
For those of you out there that don't know him, you're missing out. He has also been commissioned by several manufacturers to write owner’s manuals for some of the industry’s most popular musical instruments, processors, and software programs.
dB Masters Multimedia
Audio, video and web production services specializing in the needs of small businesses and independent musicians.
HDQTRZ Digital Mastering Studios
HDQTRZ Digital Mastering Studios has been the small labels' secret weapon for years by creating the best sounding mastered cd's in the industry utilizing custom made dynamics processors.
OTS Labs
Powerful automated mixing, coupled with dynamics processing provides you with the newest "SMOOTH SOUND" in audio software!
Sound on Sound Magazine
Sound on Sound magazine. The World's Best Music Recording Magazine.
Streamworks Audio
SWA was the first to provide users of the computer music/DAW world with a new and exciting way of learning their production tools.
Yew Tree Magic
The mysterious music of Martin Walker and the imaginative art of Belinda Walker, set in the magical landscape of Cornwall.