Customer Testimonials, Uncategorized

Everett Hoskins

HarBal is absolutely remarkable. I just used it 15 minutes ago on a remix of the Sopranos theme which I had done last month but the master was put on one side because it was missing something and we had spent hours tuning it and were only making it worse. HarBal showed the problem IMMEDIATELY and fixed it in less than a minute. The improvement was remarkable. Normally I can get pretty close to a good balanced master with just my ears but with this track I just couldn’t do it. My ears were not tuning correctly to the heavy electronic instrumental tone colors.

The greatest wonder of this tool is the automatic maintenance of perceived loudness with Eq edits. Any fool can adjust an Eq but doing it and compensating for the loudness adjustment used to be a pain in the butt. You ended up taking twice as long to avoid audio references drifting all over the place. I can now “trust” my Eq edits and the freedom this gives everyone makes HarBal, in my humble opinion, the single most important item of audio equipment I have purchased since I invested thousands of dollars in two DPA (B&K) mics some years ago. Please keep developing this gem. This software is one in a million.

Paavo please feel free to use the above in any marketing/advertising endorsement you wish. I hope HarBal is the big commercial success it deserves to be.

Best regards
Everett Hoskins
Producer, Cari Vaughn